Thursday, November 12, 2009

Get Over Yourself

So, The Huffington Post unveiled a new Sports Section this week. What a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea. Here we have Arianna Huffington, the egomaniacal yin to Matt Drudge’s yang, spouting poetically about the game changing sports coverage that her modestly named blog will provide. Of course she has to toss in some cringe-worthy puns in a lame attempt to relate sports to politics so that her snobby readers can understand what the hell is happening to their beloved “news” site and why the barbaric and dimwitted subject of sports is being posted alongside such luminaries as “Carrie Prejean Threatens To Walk Off Larry King” and “Separated At Birth: 10 Politicians With Famous Lookalikes.” Some notable items from Huffington’s introduction include: “This politician really needs to swing for the fences if he hopes to win Iowa,” “It's the bottom of the 9th -- time to send Bill Clinton to the Hill to twist some arms,” and “the case against Saddam is a slam dunk!” There is nothing more annoying and phony than a person who doesn’t care/know anything about sports suddenly becoming Howard Cosell because they feel as if they have to, not because they want to. Ugh.

Okay, so what I am really doing here is kind of laying down the groundwork for the overall awfulness that is The Huffington Post. I stumbled onto the site in the summer of 2008 when the presidential election was just getting underway and at first, I was kind of impressed. Here I am, a pretty liberal democrat who agrees with the majority of the articles and sadly the people posting in the comment sections. Cool.

Then after a week or so, I realized that the entire site is essentially a leftist version of Fox News, the HuffPo community’s sworn enemy (along with Rush and Palin). They spew the same type of hate filled rhetoric that they slam those on the opposite end of the political spectrum for doing. God forbid if you have a differing opinion from any of the sheep who blindly post in the comment sections of an article on that site or if you do not bow down before the Almighty Arianna and kiss her rings. I know that internet commenters are a whole other animal, but on this site you will encounter some of the most self-righteous, holier-than-thou people on the planet. I would love to introduce these loons to Drudge’s loons at a Pot & Kettle Convention.

Back to Queen Arianna, Ruler of the Internets, a complete hypocrite, who according to the internet bible Wikipedia, was a “right-winger” “who supported Newt Gingrich's revolution and Bob Dole's candidacy for president in 1996.” What?! That blows my mind! How did her political ideal$ and ideology change $o dra$tically and $o dramatically fa$t?

Now, we haven’t even broached her privileged upbringing and luxurious lifestyle that she currently leads. How are we (or more specifically, the idiot commenters) supposed to take this woman seriously? She is like the white bread homeboy living in his parent’s McMansion out in West Chester that raps about how tough his life is and what the mean streets of the Thornbury Hunt development are like. She has no idea what it is like to be a member of the lower class or even the middle class and I doubt that she would like to experience either. Give me a break you fraud and go back to your private jets, money grubbing television appearances and keep feeding your minions sensationalized “news” stories from your greasy palms.

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