Alright, that’s enough. I think that we’ve all had our fun and you can now fade into relative obscurity only to undoubtedly appear in a bankruptcy court five years from now. I’m sorry Mr. Jackson, but I AM for real and I think that you need to hang up your ‘bullet-proof hat’ and call it a career.
Don’t get me wrong, “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” was great, I listened to that all the time, but since then? Well, save us all the embarrassment and go drown yourself in a pool of Vitamin Water. Your breakthrough record was scary, lyrically, musically and visually, but just about everything you have released since then is laughably lame.
An MC is supposed to evolve over time, a la Jay-Z and Nas, and stand for something important, make a statement. But Fiddy seems complacent to be stuck in some sort of money and tacky jewelry filled pit that he cannot get out of. As with any artist, when your career progresses, your creations should show signs of maturity. 50 Cent completely bypassed that idea and instead seems to be perfectly content with lazily churning out songs about money, girls and riches while simultaneously ‘beefing’ with seemingly everybody in the entertainment business.
The entire country, if not world, is in the midst of the worst economic downturn since The Great Depression. There was the whole ‘recession chic’ thing that happened and a lot of the art and popular culture reflects the fact that our monetary system is on the verge of complete collapse. It is interesting to see the ways that artists adapt to their surroundings and how they strive to make their products relatable to their intended target market and consumer. Not Curtis.
50 scoffs at your demands and continues to constantly rap about all of the money that he has and that you don’t. See “Straight to the Bank” and “I Get Money” for further examination. Hey man, nobody cares anymore. It isn’t impressive and frankly, it’s a little insulting having to hear you rap about this luxurious lifestyle that you lead, yeah, living in Connecticut is real hood. Give me a break dude.
Speaking of that, you are not hood anymore and you’re no more of a gangsta than I am. You are so disconnected from that corner lifestyle that it is borderline pathetic that you keep rapping about it. If you went back to South Side Jamaica Queens, by yourself, you would get robbed in a second. Or perhaps, even thrown down a flight of stairs again (go get ‘em Ghost!). You are not a Mafioso don nor are you even a low level enforcer who still lives with his mother. You’re a civilian, like us.
“I’m high all the time/I smoke that good shit/I stay high all the time/Man, I’m on some hood shit.” Yeah. Except you don’t. I read an interview with you and you stated that you don’t smoke weed and you just wrote that song for the hell of it, or something along those horrible lines. Are you kidding me? How are we supposed to believe anything that you say from here on out after you came out as a complete fugazi? That is so LAAAAAMMMMEEEEE. You criticize other rappers for embellishing on their own tracks, but here you are in print, claiming that you don’t smoke after writing that song. If that isn’t a hypocrite, than I don’t know what is.
Another piece of advice: stop these lame beefs. They’re awful. They’re played out. They make you look pathetic. Nobody cares about what you have to say about Ja Rule, The Game, Rick Ross, Fat Joe, Young Buck, Lil’ Wayne and whoever else ‘dissed’ you. Beefing in the media was once a fun and novel idea that drummed up free publicity for your upcoming record, but now it is just an afterthought, especially considering that you don’t do anything about it. Maybe if instead of putting all of your effort and focusing all of your attention on beefing with another rapper and concentrated on writing better raps, you could still be relevant.
In 2007, you stated that you would stop releasing solo albums if Kanye West’s album, “Graduation,” outsold your release, “Curtis.” When the records were released on the same day, head-to-head, you lost! Kanye’s record beat yours! Meaning that you should have dropped off of the face of the earth, because let’s face it, you cannot act, and we could have forgotten all about you! But no, as always, you folded on your promise and became even faker than you were before. Again, you’re so LAAAAAMMMMEEEEE. Not to mention that “Graduation” is far and away a much more superior record than your cookie-cutter, hip-hop happy meal “Curtis.”
So please Fif, call it a day. Thanks for “Get Rich or Die Tryin’,” but your time has passed. We’ll see you later on, but hopefully not in concert.